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Tag: Running a private practice

The image is of a doctor sat behind a desk.

Listen to the body – It’s telling you there’s a problem

Emotional health problems are extremely physical. Our body is actually quite clever in that way. It tries to tell us […]

The image shows a notepad and a cup of coffee on a desk. The notepad says new mindset new results

The Most Common Toxic Beliefs

What are Core Beliefs? Core Beliefs are the beliefs we hold about ourselves, those around us and the world in […]

A photo of me, Hannah Paskin, a recovering people pleaser. I am sat in Knutsford town centre looking into the distance

A recovering people-pleaser – A therapist’s story

Wanting to please other people and make others happy is a good thing right? But what about when it comes […]

A photo of me, Hannah Paskin

A recovering perfectionist – A therapist’s story

I’d always been taught growing up to do the best I can, to achieve my potential. For a while, these […]

The image is of a hand, holding a note saying 'Be the best version of you'. The background is outside in nature with trees

Learn how to discover the real you – free from depression and anxiety

Will I always be anxious and depressed? Many people assume that they are naturally anxious, or naturally depressed, believing they […]

An image of an office, with everyone moving quickly, creating a blurred movement image

Living With High Functioning Anxiety or Depression

What is High Functioning Anxiety and High Functioning Depression? High functioning Anxiety does not look like how we expect anxiety […]

3 wooden blocks with 1 letter on each, spelling out CBT

What is CBT, and how does it work?

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a talking therapy that focuses on identifying and improving the way we think (our cognitions) […]

A photo of me Hannah Paskin, staged to represent a therapy session

What to expect from Therapy

There are some common questions that come up about therapy and what to expect. If you’ve not accessed it before, […]

An image of a male worker smiling in their office

Will therapy help me?

It’s common to be apprehensive about booking in to see a therapist. You have likely thought about the possibility a […]

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Hannah Paskin wearing glasses and a white shirt.

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