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Tag: perfectionism

A picture of me, Hannah Paskin, a Therapist. I am wearing a green dress with white spots, sat on my therapy sofa. There is the words straight-talking therapist for professionals on the image

Therapy for Business Owners

Providing Therapy for Business Owners is one of my specialties. In this blog I will cover the 7 most common […]

An image of a green stamp image. It says in the middle 'perfect' and has a circle of stars

Perfectionism: How Can it Manifest?

It is easy to mistake perfectionism as a positive attribute or a healthy motivator, but that’s not always the case. […]

A photo of me, Hannah Paskin

A recovering perfectionist – A therapist’s story

I’d always been taught growing up to do the best I can, to achieve my potential. For a while, these […]

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