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Tag: Change beliefs

A picture of me, Hannah Paskin, a Therapist. I am wearing a green dress with white spots, sat on my therapy sofa. There is the words straight-talking therapist for professionals on the image

Therapy for Business Owners

Providing Therapy for Business Owners is one of my specialties. In this blog I will cover the 7 most common […]

Stock image of Male distressed looking away from the camera to represent men in therapy

Therapy for Men

A useful blog exploring therapy for men. “I’m an embarrassment” “They’d be better off without me” “What sort of man […]

A photo of a lady looking into the distance worried

Am I worrying too much? Understanding Generalised Anxiety Disorder

What is GAD? Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD for short) is a type of anxiety characterised by Excessive and Uncontrollable Worry. […]

A photograph of me, Hannah Paskin looking relaxed in my therapy room. I'm wearing a green spotty dress.

Why Should I Choose You?

Why Should I Choose You? I’m not your average therapist, and I’m very proud of that. I’m Hannah Paskin and […]

A photo of a professional worker experiencing burnout

Understanding Burnout

Burnout happens when you have done too much for too long. There is no way of avoiding the limitations of […]

A picture of a diary, with a pin in the day that says 'learn to say no'

Understanding People Pleasing

What is a people pleaser? A people pleaser is someone who cares deeply about making others happy, easing their suffering, […]

An image of a green stamp image. It says in the middle 'perfect' and has a circle of stars

Perfectionism: How Can it Manifest?

It is easy to mistake perfectionism as a positive attribute or a healthy motivator, but that’s not always the case. […]

An image of an office, with everyone moving quickly, creating a blurred movement image

Living With High Functioning Anxiety or Depression

What is High Functioning Anxiety and High Functioning Depression? High functioning Anxiety does not look like how we expect anxiety […]

The image shows a red button with white writing saying panic in capital letters.

Panic Attacks and Agoraphobia

This blog will help to explain what a panic attack is, why people have them, and how they are connected […]

Image of me, Hannah Paskin, in a mock up Therapy session photoshoot. I am shown sat on a couch, I am wearing a navy and white stripped dress, and a navy cardigan. You can see the blurred back of a head of a mock client.

Advice on how to Find a Therapist or Find a Counsellor

Trying to find a therapist or counsellor for yourself can feel overwhelming. There’s so much choice, how do you even […]

White background, with a purple banner with white text saying Anxiety Therapy. There's also a purple and turquoise scribble in the image, representing the chaos feeling of anxiety.

Exposure therapy – Anxiety Treatment

This blog will provide some information on Exposure Therapy, a treatment for anxiety. Understanding Anxiety Anxiety can be a really […]

A stock photo of a male sat in front of his laptop at a desk, engaging in a video OCD therapy session, with a notepad at the side.

What is OCD? and understanding ERP Therapy

This blog will provide an explanation of OCD, and an understanding of ERP Therapy. What is OCD? Obsessive Compulsive Disorder […]

A group of women sitting together, all smiling.

The Burnout of People-Pleasing

A blog to understand the burnout of People-pleasing. I’m putting this out there – you can absolutely burn out from […]

A women with her head in her hands

Understanding Unhelpful Thinking Patterns

The development of Unhelpful Thinking Patterns As we grow up, the upbringing we receive, the messages we get taught, the […]

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Hannah Paskin wearing glasses and a white shirt.

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