CBT Therapy Case Study - Business Owner

Business Owner


Dave* is a 37-year-old Plumber in Cheshire. He has been running his business for 12 years and has 10 employees. 

He had always wanted to be his own boss so that he could be in control. He describes having been anxious and a worrier for most of his life. In his personal life he runs regularly and is currently training for Ironman. 

He always seems to have a project on the go in the home/garden. He has been married for 2 years. Growing up he didn’t have much, and has been eager to create a different life for himself. 

He describes a constant fear that his success won’t last, and feels the need to constantly be doing more. Apart from sports, he doesn’t have any other hobbies but somehow is always on the go. He’d started to get to the point of feeling like he was just existing rather than living.

Presenting problem

Dave went to the GP to get help with problems sleeping, and issues with indigestion. 

The Doctor on speaking to him, suggested that Anxiety and Stress could be the cause of these symptoms. He googled ‘Cheshire Therapist near me’ and came across my website for CBT Therapy for Business Owners. 

He was particularly drawn to my Straight-Talking approach as that fits with his own approach in business.


This is Dave’s first experience of therapy. He wasn’t really sure what his problem was, or what he wanted to work on (this is not uncommon). 

We started off by discussing the symptoms he was experiencing, and how they were impacting him. 

Initially he said he wanted to be able to do more, whilst not feel exhausted. But we started to discuss that what he thinks he wants, versus what he actually needs, might not match up, and a different approach might be necessary.


From discussion during the assessment we identified some tendencies and themes for Dave

We discussed the impact of all this

We jointly agreed the following target areas for treatment


CBT Therapy strategies were used across the course of 12 treatment sessions at the cost of £1200.


* This is a fictionalised client that takes little elements from many clients I’ve worked with over many years to help demonstrate the type of clients I work with, and the type of help that therapy with me offers.

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