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Can CBT help my phobia

Why am I still not happy

You’ve ticked all the boxes you thought were needed for a ‘happy’ life. Successful career, house, car, partner/kids all ticked […]

10 tips to improve sleep and poor appetite

10 tips to improve sleep and poor appetite

Are you experiencing problems with your sleep? You’re not alone. 2/3 adults in the UK experience sleep problems. Tips to […]

World Suicide Prevention Day

World Suicide Prevention Day

Suicidal thoughts are common. Suicidal thoughts are nothing to be ashamed of. Suicidal thoughts are a sign that you have […]

What actually makes us happy?

What actually makes us happy?

There are a lot of assumptions about what things will make us happy. Often in this list are often things […]

Hannah Paskin - wearing glasses, sitting at a desk.

Having trouble sleeping

***Hannah’s Helpful Hints*** Sleep is one of our key sources of energy, so it is no surprise that ongoing sleep […]

What is mental health?

There’s a lot of misconceptions and stigma around the words ‘mental health’. In reality we are all somewhere on the […]

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