Anger Management Therapy

Anger Therapy

Understanding Anger

Anger can be a valid and useful emotion. The difficulty comes when our level of anger means we are unable to communicate effectively, when we end up saying or doing things we regret, and when our response is disproportionate to the situation.

Often if you’ve got to a point of an anger outburst, it’s because your emotions felt overwhelming, and you were unable to think or act rationally.

A man and woman engaged in anger therapy, sitting on a couch and talking to each other.

When do you need to seek help?

So many clients I have worked with to tackle anger describe it feeling like it goes from 0-100 in a split second. They don’t know how to stop this happening, and even if they did, they haven’t learnt the skills to communicate and disagree without the use of shouting, threatening or physical actions.

Often afterwards they will regret how things played out, regret what they said or did, but just don’t know how to change it. This is when seeking help from a professional is the logical step.

What Causes Anger problems?

At Hannah Paskin Therapy I apply Psychotherapy to help my clients to understand what the problem is and why. So many of my clients say it’s not just about getting back on track but understanding how they got to where they are, so that they know how to prevent it in future. This is certainly an important part of my mission – to help my clients to make changes that last.

Alongside the work on increasing self-understanding, treatment for depression focuses on teaching effective strategies to learn ways of breaking vicious cycles.

Want to find out more?


How Can Therapy Help?

Therapy will help you to learn to recognise the triggers for your anger. It will also look at helping you to think and act more rationally in the moment, which in turn will reduce the unwanted negative consequences.

Getting angry rarely makes us feel better, it makes us feel tense and uncomfortable. Holding on to anger means that we keep this feeling for a long time and can lead to feeling depressed. Therapy will also look at helping you to let go of anger about situations in the past when it is appropriate.

Treatment for Anger Management

A requirement for engaging in therapy for anger is being open and willing to change your perspective and learn new ways of responding to triggers. Treatment sessions will focus on these objectives. At Hannah Paskin Therapy I provide Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) which is effective in treating Anger.

I have past experience working with those who have received criminal action against them as a result of their anger, and those who have developed toxic relationships with their partner due to their uncontrolled anger.
I can help you to find a new way forwards.

Hannah Paskin wearing glasses and a white shirt.

Are you ready to move forward?

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